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Jay Alexander


Imagine your CEO's mind being read or being told what playing card you are thinking of over the
computer screen.

Witness your guests laughing, jaws dropping and people talking about this online magic experience for years to come.

This show mixes elements of game design and storytelling with psychology and illusions. You will question your choices. Are they yours? Were you influenced?

Performing online and over a screen is not new to Jay. In 1994 he created a bestselling CD-ROM for Broderbund Software that won him a MacWor Id award for creativity.

Online audiences don't just watch the show but are taken from passive to active participant.

Jay Alexander is the star of Mind Tricks Live at the Marrakech Magic Theater, the highest rated show on Yelp and Trip Advisor in San Francisco.

He spent three U.S tours performing backstage for the Rolling Stones. For twenty consecutive years Robin Williams hired him for his personal parties. The largest corporations in the world have booked Jay to make their meetings and conferences come alive.

Shows are always customized for each client.

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